Biking on the Non-Existing

tandem4family – Mit der Familienkutsche von Shanghai nach Beijing

Before arriving in China I was bewildered by modern navigation systems and Google maps that could predetermine every road and every turn in our journey, leaving no room for spontanity and the unexpected. Reality proved me wrong. I am still unsettled by the fact that all those narrow village and field lanes we bike along in Jiangsu are displayed on our navigation system. It has, however, also lead us along newly built streets – so new, that the brick walls at the end of them had not yet been removed. It has directed us towards bridges, which were still under construction. We headed to hotels, shown on the Jiangsu road atlas, only to find out that the future hotels are still a hole in the ground. We have crossed or even biked along perfect broad roads, which, according to all navigations and maps, are non-existing. Like the new six-lane road below, which our field lane (narrow but existing!!!) crosses.

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