
tandem4family – Mit der Familienkutsche von Shanghai nach Beijing


You all know that classic movie scene where a guy in a crisp business suit throws his arm out and yells, “Taxi!” and one instantly appears. May be in New York, but not in Nanjing.

On the way out of Nanjing the family ways separated again. We decided to spare the kids the supposed hectic traffic and construction sites at the outskirts of the city, and to treat them to a train ride instead. Taking any of the frequent trains in direction Shanghai would bring us in 20 min. to our next stop: the city of Zhenjiang, 80 km away. In the morning Sarah’s baby took her seat in the trailer and was securely buckled up, Volker started with his single passenger in direction east, while we left for a relaxed day at the Nanjing Museum, before going to the train station in the late afternoon.

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